Halloween Astrology Forecast - A New Sense of the Future Comes into Focus
“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
- Jane Goodall
This will not be the most graceful week.. Sure, Venus hits some good spots making it easier to socialize and maybe even fool around. By and large I think many of us will be looking for some sort of release from all this tension.
This is a week to practice using your voice. Lean into your edges. There is energy to stand up for what you believe in, even if it feels impossible, like a fist fight in a bouncy house.
After all, the full moon that just passed was in the sign of Taurus, representing the throat chakra and the Heirophant in the tarot. The Heirophant representes a sort of spiritual authority. In this way, I think the work of this week is to raise our voices to be heard, so that we can collectively override the reigning authority that would permit this genocide to unfold.
Don’t worry about getting it perfect, there is room to experiment. Question everything you thought you knew, then question yourself.
Major Transits of This Week
Mercury Conjunct Mars in Scorpio - This is energy to fuel a fire. This transit brings heightened mental energy connected to action. In the watery Scorpio, this transit can leave you feeling on edge. Pay attention to the connection between your feelings, thoughts, and actions. (Oct 29)
Mercury in Scorpio Opposite JupiterRX in Taurus - Mercury and Jupiter hit 11’11’ degrees in their respective signs when they head off in this aspect. Can you say “fated”? This is the kind of fate that recalibrates our inner compass. Life is presenting new information and situations to move us along our respective paths. This is tension caused by the dissonance between navigating day-to-day and what is emerging in order to prepare you for the future. You may have big ideas now relating to your personal philosophies, and clarity makes room for growth in the manner that you move in the world. (Oct 29)
Venus in Virgo Trine UranusRX in Taurus - Harmonious earth energy connects us to the heart space and asks us to radicalize our love by trying something new. Use this energy to engage with your creative brilliance in new and strange ways. Experiment. It’s easier to socialize during this time and make deep connections, though they may not last long. (Oct 31)
Venus in Virgo Opposite NeptuneRX in Pisces - A choice may appear between the rudimentary day-to-day tasks that “must be done” and a call to break free in order to explore deeper ideas about your spiritual essence, imagination, or creativity. A new sense of the future comes into focus. (Nov 3)
Mercury in Scorpio Opposite UranusRX in Taurus - Uranus is the higher energetic signature of Mercury. In an opposition, this alignment creates a challenge between our external values and they way we have been conditioned earlier in life, especially when it comes to ways we’ve been conditioned with fear. This is a call to a personal revolution to transform old beliefs, defense mechanisms, and shadowy aspects into new and necessary tools for our liberation. (Nov 4)