Rest in the Unknown - November 2023

When I hear “Rest in the Unknown”, this month’s card from the Illuminated Love Oracle Deck, I think about how there’s this void of time between an existing reality and our desired reality. There comes a time we must all pass the hours the best we can and especially in such a way that isn’t pushing things in one or the other direction. We are coming off of a powerful and transcendant eclipse season of collective awakening. Last month’s energy manifested as “Deep Listening”. What did you hear? Did you resist it? This month we learn about acceptance, releasing to the flow so that even of period of uncertainly we are able to rest and gather strength. (Strength, by the way, is the card of the year 2024.)

Let’s get into it.

Rest in the Unknown - Illuminated Love Oracle

Rest in the Unknown

“There is nothing left to do but to remember there is an all knowing presence in the space within and around you.”

Simply be, without much effort. Can you give yourself that? By existing you are enough. What can you do to connect with your worthiness this month?

Take a moment to perform a body scan. Do this seated with a rest for your back, or while lieing down. Feel the support of the chair, cushion, or earth below you. Fully release any tension by first acknowledging it. Maybe draw a breathe into areas of tension, and on your exhale mindfully release. In what areas can you draw more trust to release and rest fully.

When our bodies feel safe, we become more perceptive and our awareness expands beyond limiting beliefs or survival conditioning. We calm our reactivity and defense mechanisms. We become able to process what is coming up for us and deal with anxieties.

Notice what is there. Trust your mind and body connection. Tend to the body and mindfully release emotional traumas so that you can rest. Step out of survival mode so you can rest fully.

Maybe it’s that I’m a Capricorn Sun that I can’t help but interpret most lessons through the lens of time. Time, after all, is a Saturn-ruled concept. Saturn is the planet of limitation, boundaries, and lessons. It asks us to integrate. It also reminds us that as humans we cannot help but experience everything through time.

We must learn to be with what is uncomfortable. We have to face our own humanity and claim our wholeness even though we keep being divided by hate, prejudice, and all the other illusions. Truth is, the inner work you do has massive ripple effects on everyone and everything around you. So take good care of yourself, knowing you are connected to everything like the ancient mycelium networks in the Earth. It is normal to feel her pain. You are a part of her and it is your responsibility to take care of your mind, body, and spirit.

Remember also, that your body contains its own intelligence. Through rest and mindful regeneration your body knows what to do. I use reiki to activate my body’s intelligence. Anytime I feel stuck or am experiencing high anxiety, I give myself the grace to take space to be alone and ask this divine universal energy to clear out what isn’t important, and to build resiliency and bring clarity while I’m at rest. After all, our cells regenerate the fastest while we are asleep.

Any negativity like the inner voice of criticism that says I must be doing or saying something to prove myself, it’s all a distraction emanating from the shadow. Bring it into your loving awareness (to light) and love yourself through the difficult moments. This card reminds us that even if we don’t know where we are or where we are going, we are worthy and capable of softness and that, in fact, our collective grace is our strength.

Heal yourself to heal the world.


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