My Most Transformational Tarot Spread

There is a time to bask in the beauty of “what is” and another time to inquire about our purpose in life. At some point or another, everyone comes to seek some kind of direction.

This can be life’s greatest challenge to grapple with understanding our individual and collective higher purpose. It is also an essential part of living a meaningful life that brings our being into context with the rest of the world.

There are many different ways to seek wisdom to point you in the “right” direction including exploring your spirituality or connecting with nature. Ultimately, there is no right or wrong way to find direction, as long as you are actively seeking it.

I created this Direction Spread to help those see and understand where they are in life, what challenges are present, what is working, and where they may expect to go.

Enter your information below to receive the Direction Spread for free!

How I created the Direction Spread

One day when I was reading tarot cards at Sat Nam ‘s healing circle* I noticed there was a consistent theme throughout the readings of the night. Generally, the prompts went something like this:

  • “I am experience a large-scale shift in my life and I’m unsure what to do next….”

  • “There are so many things happening in my life and I want to know what to choose that is going to bring me more peace?”

  • “I’m completely lost…”

Did you catch a through-line? Direction. Everyone is looking for some kind of direction in life. This can be challenging, but it is an essential part of living a fulfilling and meaningful existence. There are many different ways to seek wisdom to point you in the “right” direction (have you tried exploring your natal chart for clues?) including exploring their spirituality or connecting with nature. There is no right or wrong way to find direction, as long as you are actively seeking it.

For one night that’s all anyone was asking about. In situation like this it’s really clutch to know the Celtic Cross. It’s a classic an a mianstay for a reason. If you master it the Celtic Cross spread will provide you with so much wisdom. It takes into account the querent’s energy as well as the surrounding energies through space and time to show you what to pay attention too. It’s a great spread and it’s available all over the internet so why not drop a shoutout to the classic?

Tarot is a tool for self-reflection. It’s a mirror. A place where you, if you choose to, can cultivate self-discovery and see things for what they are. It really makes you think. Those thoughts and perceptions about what shows up on the table is intellectual and emotional stimulation to process whatever is coming up for you.

As a reader I’ve gotten inquiry’s like “Can you tell me who stole my cow?” to “Tell be about every single area of my life". I want to remind you that the best way to be prepare to work with the Tarot is to understand your intention clearly and choose a spread that represents the insight you wish you recieve. For me, I felt really unprepared to read these big life questions for clients with the Celtic Cross, so I came up with the “I Just Need Some Direction”” spread or “Direction Spread” for short.

Call on the spirit of Northern Star, Harriet Tubman, to support you in your reading.

If you ever feel that you are missing a spread that encapsulates a question and an intention you have, feel free to make your own! Here’s how.


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How to create your own Tarot spread